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Sunday 12 February 2017

Roketsuzome- material-tools-technique

Hello everyone,

I hope you are liking my blog. Well today I will be discussing about what materials and tools are used in Roketsuzome and how it is done.

Roketsuzome uses several different kind of material and tools.

Surizome Brush:

Surizome brushes are used to dye smaller section of the cloth.

Surikome brush:

Surikome Brush (The angular one)

Surikome brush is used to blend colours and helps to dye diagonally. It is said that it helps to go across the yard. It is the angular brush.

Jizome Brush

Jizome or hikizome is a brush that helps blending the larger section of the colour. It the the biggest brush in the photo.

Rofude\Irosashi Brush
Rofude\ Irosashi Brush

Rofude brush is used to apply wax on the fabric.This brush comes in different sizes. To give as fine detailing possible.

All the brushes used in Roketsuzome needs to be made of natural bristle or wood because synthetic brush will melt once put in hot materials like wax or hot dyes. Other than brushes Roketsuzome also uses rollers, metal stamp and acid dyes. Wax used in Rozome is beeswax and Soy wax.


  • The fabric is washed
  • the deign is made on the fabric by charcoal or chalk.
  • Wax is applied on the cloth by rofude/Irosashi brush.Then the wax is left to dry.
  • Then with brushes (Hikizome/Sukizome/Surizome) the cloth is dyed.

  • The process is repeated if multiple colours is needed.
  • Then the cloth is suspended in boiling water for the removal of wax.
  • The fabric is ready.


Rozome/Roketsuzome technique. Available at: https://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/blog_post/asiansecrets/12156/batik_techniques_rozome_roketsuzome_technique (Accessed: 23 January 2017)

Japanese wax resist dyeing - Roketsuzome (no date) Available at: http://kyotokimono.livejournal.com/3223.html (Accessed: 23 January 2017).

 Roketsuzome-japanese wax resist dyeing. Available at: http://feltcafe.blogspot.in/2007/07/roketsuzome-japanese-wax-resist-dyeing.html (Accessed: 23 January 2017).

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