Priggondani Motif |
Priggondani Motif
According to the local community of 'priggondani' is a combination of words: Pring, Nggan, and Ndani. 'Pring' meaning bamboo. 'Nggan' stands for place and 'Ndani' meaning improvement. Priggondani means a place where people can improve themselves.
Peacock Motif
Peacock Motif |
Jlamprang Motif
Jlamprang Motif |
In the Hindu'sit is beleived that there is a Syaiwapakhra (arrow a weapong Lord Shiva used) which uses a chakra symbol as arrows. It is also a meditating icone of Lord Shiva.
(2015) Jlamprang
, motif batik khas Pekalongan. Available at:
(Accessed: 20 January 2017).
Makna dan Filosofi motif Batik Meru. Available at:
(Accessed: 21 January 2017).
I have seen "Priggondani" is the home of Gatotkaca Werudara's son.