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Sunday, 12 February 2017

Indian Batik Motifs-3

Priggondani Motif

Priggondani Motif

According to the local community of 'priggondani' is a combination of words: Pring, Nggan, and Ndani. 'Pring' meaning bamboo. 'Nggan' stands for place and 'Ndani' meaning improvement. Priggondani means a place where people can improve themselves.

Peacock Motif

Peacock Motif
The peacock is the sign of wealth, beauty, pride and even royalty. In India, the peacock's image is associated with rain and Lord Indra or the vehicle for Lord Maruga. It is the national bird of India. Even the peacock's of feather was worn by Lord Krishna.

Jlamprang Motif

Jlamprang Motif
This pattern is taken from Indian Patola work. It consists of geometrical shapes and star shapes are used as twig ends rectangular. The motif was influenced by the Islam community which avoids showing animals and human beings in the real form. But then it was also said that this motif was inspired by Lord Shiva.
In the Hindu'sit is beleived that there is a Syaiwapakhra (arrow a weapong Lord Shiva used) which uses a chakra symbol as arrows. It is also a meditating icone of Lord Shiva.


mechtadeera (2015) Jlamprang , motif batik khas Pekalongan. Available at: https://mechtadeera.wordpress.com/2015/08/25/jlamprang-motif-batik-khas-pekalongan/ (Accessed: 20 January 2017).
Makna dan Filosofi motif Batik Meru. Available at: http://senirupaterapanbatikindonesia.blogspot.in/2013/12/makna-dan-filosofi-motif-batik-meru.html (Accessed: 21 January 2017).

1 comment:

  1. I have seen "Priggondani" is the home of Gatotkaca Werudara's son.
