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Sunday 12 February 2017

Japanese Batik

Hi everyone,
Today I am going to tell u about Japanese batik which i found a lot interesting but as I researched I received limited information on it. Well whatever information I have I will share.

Japan has introduced different ways of making batik

  • Roketsuzome or Rozome (uses wax as a resist)
  • Tsutsugaki (uses rice paste)
  • Katagami\ katazome (uses washi paper)


Roketsuzome also called Rozome. 'Ro' meaning wax, 'ketsu' meaning resist or block out and 'zome' meaning dye. It is a form of resist dyeing in Japan. It is done since the 7th ot 8th century but due to some reasons it's practice declined. It practice revived in the 17th century. As a stamping and dye technique.

Before it was mostly done on cotton but now it is also done on silk. Before it was only done on kimono's and manuscripts and now it is done mostly everywhere like curtains, clothes, bedsheets, etc.
It uses all the colours but the clours white, indigo, black and brown are mostly used.

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