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Sunday 12 February 2017

Indonesian Batik Procedure

Hello everyone,
Hope you are all enjoying my blogs. Well in this blog i will be discussing about the procedure of Indonesian Batik. In Indonesia, batik is done in two ways
  • By using Canting tool
  • By using Cap\ Cooper Stamps

By Using Canting Tool

  • The cloth is washed in water to remove extra startch.
  • The design is outlined with a pencil.
  • The wax is poured in the canting tool.
  • The wax is applied via canting tool.
  • The wax is left to dry.
  • The fabric is then dyed.
  • The process is repeated if multiple colours are needed.
  • Once the cloth is dyed in all the wanted colours, it is suspended in boiling water for removal of wax.
  • Batik cloth is ready.

By using Cooper Stamps

  • The cloth is washed in water to remove extra startch.
  • The lines are drawn so that where the clock is stamped is known.
  • The wax is applied on the cooper stamp and then is stamped.
  • The wax is left to dry.
  • The fabric is then dyed.
  • The process is repeated if multiple colours are needed.
  • Once the cloth is dyed in all the wanted colours, it is suspended in boiling water for removal of wax.
  • Batik cloth is ready.


Behance (no date) Available at: https://www.behance.net/gallery/47738987/Indonesian-Batik (Accessed: 18 January 2017).

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