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Thursday 9 February 2017

Indian Batik Process

Indian Batik mainly has 2 techniques for batik.
  • Application of wax via brush
  • Application of wax via Tjanting tool.

Application of wax via brush

  • First, the fabric is washed so that the extra starch is removed.
  • The design in made on the fabric by a pencil, chalk or charcoal.
  • Wax is heated.
  • Wax is applied on the place through a brush where you want the background colour to stay.
  • Fabric is left to be dry.
  • Then the fabric is dyed.
  • The process is repeated if multiple colours are needed.
  • The wax is removed by putting the fabric in boiling water.
  • The fabric is left to dry.
NOTE: Batik colour fades if it is left in sunlight to dye.

Application of Wax By Tjanting Tool

  • The cloth is washed in water for the removal of extra starch.
  • The design in made on the fabric by a pencil, chalk or charcoal.
  • Wax is heated.
  • Wax is applied on fabric with the help of tjanting tool or Kalamkari pen.
  • Fabric is left to be dry.
  • Then the fabric is dyed.
  • The process is repeated if multiple colours are needed.
  • The wax is removed by putting the fabric in boiling water.
  • The fabric is left to dry.


Available at: http://www.craftmark.org/sites/default/files/P033%20Batik.pdf (Accessed: 18 January 2017).

strandofsilk, 2017 (2011) West Bengal - Batik - motifs and Colours. Available at: https://strandofsilk.com/journey-map/west-bengal/batik/motifs-and-colours (Accessed: 18 January 2017)

Virmani, T. (2012) How to get a Batik print ? Easy step by step DIY procedure. Available at: http://www.letsexpresso.com/fashion/how-to-get-a-batik-print-easy-step-by-step-diy-procedure/ (Accessed: 19 January 2017).

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